So I had an idea. What if my senior project were an episode in a television series? What if that series was entirely about old women and extra-terrestrials battlin' in strange ways? I don't know about you, but I find that hilarious. I'd be very interested in watching that show. Therefore, I am creating an animation that would serve as the intro to that show in After Effects. Above are some assets that will be used in the creation of that very animation.
The show would be similar to The Twilight Zone or The Outer Limits in that each episode is a self-contained dilemma with a resolution and no direct connection to other episodes. Perhaps different directors and studios could be hired for each episode, pitch their own ideas and have a central in house group to work with them on maintaining a consistent feel while allowing a great variance in the overall style and vision episode to episode. Celebrity voice actors! Collectible action figures! I'm no expert but it just very well may be the most exciting, critically acclaimed and profitable animated series franchise in history!